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Track 'n Trade LIVE Forex

How to Use the Trades Tab

Video Transcript

In this video, we want to take you through and we want to talk about, the Trades Tab. This is the Trades Tab; It's probably one the most important tabs that we have in the software. It's probably the one you'll be working with the most, so I want to cover it in a little bit of detail. I'm going to go through it to give you a quick overview of the different features along this, and then we'll talk about some of these other features in greater detail in other videos. But just as an overview this first tab here in the first window is a Tick by Tick view of the market as the data comes through, and this goes back to about 200 individual ticks. You can see that the bid and the ask is identified by green and red. Notice up here we're telling you this is the AUD/USD the Bid is in red the Ask is in green. Down here is the spread information for you: (how wide apart those two are) it's red if it's going up and it's green if it's going down. Because green is better we want a smaller spread and then the AVERAGE, so this is the average spread it's 2.5 there, it went green, so it's a 2.5, it's at the average. The HIGH, the highest it's been apart is 3.1, and the LOWEST it's been is 1.4. That's your spread and your spread information.

This little window is the Accounting Window, or what we call our Mini-Accounting Window, and we also have down here, (I'm going to put some orders on the screen so we can see a little bit more detail about some of these numbers changing as I get some more orders on the screen) but first I want to highlight for you the Quantity; this is very simple! Come in here and this where we change the number of orders that we're going to be placing at any one time. We can do that through Scroll-Up and Scroll-Down. We can also use the quick buttons just by clicking these buttons we can place orders 15 orders simultaneously or all at the same time, or 5 or 3 or 1 whatever we want to do. These buttons here are customizable, we can right click on them, and hit modify the quantity and of course you can change that quantity I've got it set to 1 for my first one you can set that maybe 2 if you wanted and then have your scroll be 1. So there 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and that's the way we change those numbers, they're customizable. Now, this little BS button here stands for Buy & Sell. We can come in here, and we can drag this little Buy Sell button up on the screen, and you'll notice that when I release the mouse button it opens up the Buy Sell order dialogue box.

I'm not going to go into great detail into this right now, we'll do that in another video. But I just wanted to show you the difference between the BS button which allows you to immediately open up a Buy Sell order screen and come in and customize the different settings. You can add the OCO's the Limits the Stops, the Trailing Stops, and that stuff, through this little dialog box. If you need some additional help, there's an Additional Help window that you can click that gives you help on what all these different features mean. So, let's come back and I'm going to close that, and that cancels that order off the screen, it didn't ever place it. That's if I want to go through and completely set up a modified order, now if I just want to do a very quick order, I can come here and watch this! I can come in just to place a Stop Order on the screen- I click Stop, drag it on the screen, and you'll notice that if I release the mouse button that order is placed on the screen and that's an active way, a very quick way to place an order! I can do the same thing with Limit Orders; I can come here and watch this! I can come in just to place a Stop Order on the screen- I click Stop, drag it on the screen, and you'll notice that if I release the mouse button that order is placed on the screen and that's an active way, a very quick way to place an order! I can do the same thing with Limit Orders, I can come here and drag them on the screen. Now, notice- below the market, a limit order is green, above the market it turns red. Same thing with the Stop Order, you'll notice that below the market it's red and above the market it's green.

Now, we already placed that stop order on the screen so we now have three orders on the screen and we're not yet in the market, we have a limit and two stops. To get in the market very quickly we can come in here and just hit Buy Market and we're in the market long and that tells us that we can get out of the market quickly by doing the same thing on the other side. There's Sell Market and now we're out of the market, so that's a very quick way of getting into the market with these quick buttons right here. If we wanted to exit all the orders- Exit Chart is going to take all the orders off the screen, it says this is going to remove all the charts off the screen, "Are you sure you want to do that?" I'm going to say "Yes," now those are all off the screen. So that's a quick overview of our Quick Entry buttons!

Now, I want to very quickly highlight the Quick Custom Orders buttons, these buttons down here are customizable. We call them Q-OCO: 1, 2, 3, 4; Because we have 4 customizable buttons that are designed to allow you to come in and tell them what you want those buttons to do. Q just stands for quick it's a quick order. Again, when you click on these it's not going to pull up the dialog box as it did with the BS button. But we can come in here quickly and I can say okay, I want to add an order on here. I can click on the Q-OCO button and notice that it's placing three orders on the screen simultaneously because that's the what I've programmed it to do. So, I have my stop order above the market with my automatically set in there as my limit order and my stop order. I can do that all with one swoop using my Q-OCO buttons. Again, I'm not going to go into great detail on these buttons, we'll do that in another video to give you a little bit more detail on how this works. But these buttons are customizable; simply by right-clicking on the button and then saying Edit or Add, it's going to allow you to open up this dialog box, give them the setting, the name, and come through and set them up the way you might want them.

One more thing I wanted to show you is I wanted to get into the market! So, let's come in here, I'm going to exit chart and get rid of this, I'm going to add a couple of orders in here- let's come in here and let's hit 3, and we're going to say buy the market. We're going to buy the market with three contracts, now we have three contracts in the market and I want to slide this window up and as I slide this slide this up it's going to cover up some of these buttons, but that's okay- hopefully you have a little bit bigger screen than I do. (I'm doing a smaller screen so that it fits into this video recording size) But you'll notice what I have down here, I have four buttons. The first one is the Autopilot and again, I'm not not going to touch on the Autopilot on this video that's going to be covered in another video, but I want to talk about Pending Orders, I want to talk about Open Order, and I want to talk about Closed Orders.

We have in Track 'n Trade a complete Accounting System, so all of your accounting needs are covered right here! You can see all of your Pending Orders, we can come in here again with a Stop Order in here and we can drop an order in here. Notice it shows up in your Pendings Orders window, we have Open Orders, which are also in here, this is our Open Orders that we have available and then any Closed Orders that we've closed out throughout this demonstration. You'll also notice up here I want to come back and I want to touch very quickly on the Accounting Window. The little Mini-Accounting tab we have up here. You'll notice that we have these little blue hyperlinks, this says chart open P/L: $, that's why you see a reflection of the $. If I click on that it says %ROM, now we have the return on margins, that changes this dialog over here. Then we come over, we click it again and it gives us the pips. Click it again it take us back to $, it kind of rotates through and I can do that in every single one of these. Notice this one takes you to pips $ return on margin, this one the realize Profit Loss if I go $ and I can also do % of total or % of return on margin, or pips and back to $. So, we have a lot of control here to give you all the information that you might need to be a wonderful fantastic trader using Track 'n Trade.