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Track 'n Trade Futures End of Day

Historical Trade Simulator

Video Transcript

In this Track 'n Trade Pro tutorial example, I want to highlight for you the Accounting Tab Plug-In. That's the little green Dollar Calculator right over here in the upper left-hand corner. This is what we call our Control Panel, so that's the Green Dollar Sign, in our Control Panel. If you click on it, it will expand, and you say it's My Account. Again, this is part of the Accounting and Simulator Plug-In. You won't have this, unless you have that Plug-In.

But what it does, is it allows us to go through and track our profits and losses on our simulated trades. You'll notice the first one is the Accounting Date. Because we are a time machine we can go forward and backward in time and trade historical simulated trades, of historical markets.

So, if you wanted, for example to become an expert corn trader, you can go back to 1980 and begin trading corn forward, all the way to 1994 or whatever the date that it is today. You can track the market day by day and then see what the market does and how it reacts. Each market has kind of it's own personality. So, if you wanted to become an expert in any particular market, this is a great way for you to go back and practice your trading techniques. Again, we have that listed as the Accounting Date. Of course, that will change with your market, as you move it forward and back and play the markets forward and back.

We have our Open Order/Profit and Loss, Closed Order/Profit and Loss and Order Commission. So this first section is for orders. This is for placing contract orders on the chart and simulating....those transactions and this is where you would calculate your profits and losses.

The next section is Open Option/Profit and Loss. Closed Option/Profit and Loss, and Option Commission. So, if you're simulating trading options, this is where the profits and losses of your options would show up. Notice that we have a Futures up on top, and Options underneath, and then we have a subtotal section that subtotals those two together.

So, if you're doing strategies where you're both buying or selling an underlying Futures contracts with a contract order and you're also playing Options, at the same time, you would calculate simultaneously the Profits and losses from both Options and Futures on, in this Accounting Window over here. Then we would give ourselves a subtotal, or a total of these different profits and losses based on the two profits and losses of the underlying Futures or Options.

Then we have our Account Balance and our Margin Requirements, the Available Funds in our account. You'll notice that we have Deposit Account up here, so we can make deposits into our account. Or we can make withdrawals into our account.....we can place orders directly into our account, right here.

We also have a Trade Log, which comes through and shows you the different, a log of all the different trades that you've made from any specific date and how they effected your account. Then we have our Current Positions, whether we're long our short any specific commodity.

Then we have our Call Options and our Put Options. Whether we have a Buy or a Sell, or a Buy or a Sell on any individual contracts. You'll notice that this first column is just this contract, and then the total column includes all contracts or all commodities that we're trading within our book. So, if we have 5 contracts within in our book and each one of those 5 contracts has an order on it with a profit and loss, they would show up over here in the totals.

Then the center one, would just be the totals for this contract, that we're looking at.

Now, for this example, I want to show you just quickly, how we can place some orders in here. We're going to watch the Profits and Losses calculate. I'm going to come up here, and I'm just quickly grab a Market Order. I'm going to Buy 1 Market, Okay. I'm going to step that forward. It wants us to make a deposit, so we go ahead and with our time machine we do that by going, $5,000. We're going to say we made that deposit on November 1st. We hit Okay. You'll notice that- that shows up over here in our Accounting Window, that we mad ea deposit of $5,000 on 11/1/2003. Then on 11/26 where we placed our simulated order, we Buy one market, and it was filled on 245.50. You'll notice up here where we're calculating our Profits and Losses, we now have an Open Order, at 87.50, with an 87.50 profit. We paid a $20.00 commission, and we have an order subtotal of $67.50 profit. Now, as that market moves forward, you can see that our profits and losses, advance or decline.

Then you'll notice down here we have our Orders listed. Let's come in here and let's do a Call Option. I'm going to Buy 1 - 255 - Call. I'm going to say Okay. As we step that one forward, now that one is filled. Now you'll notice that we have a Profit and Loss setup within our Options section of our Calculator, of our Accounting Tab. We have Profits and Losses for our orders. Then we have a Subtotal where everything is calculated together. As we advance these markets forward, you'll be able to see these profits and losses accumulate independently and then as totals.

So, now we have different prices for our, for our underlying Futures. We have our Options Calculated separately, and then we have a Subtotal that calculates them both together. As we move that forward, we either increase or decrease in value.... you come down here, and you can see that we are, our current position is we are Long 1 contract, and our Call Options, we have Buy 1. So, we have a Buy 1, in both, this contract and the total.

Now, if we want to go over to another contract and started trading, we would have in the total contract, that would be able to be seen at all times, no matter what contract we're looking at. And in this contract we can see just the information for this contract. Down in the bottom window, you'll notice down in here, you can see where we've made our Deposit, you can see any of our Deposits, here. And you can see any orders that we've placed.

Now, here's an order that we've placed....11/26/2003, and Buy 1 at the market and it was filled. Here's our other, here's our Call Option. Let's spread this open just a little bit more....and you can see Buy 1, 255.00 Call at 9, for $450.00, that's in there, and we can sort by Date. Go ahead and sort those by date. By clicking the Date Header. You can highlight that over there.

Now, let's say we want to come over here, and see that Buy 1 Call 9? If... or the Buy 1 Market. If we click on that red triangle, notice that it highlights over here in this window for us. So, if we have a big, long list of orders, and we're not sure which one we're looking at, we can just simply click on it and it will highlight it over here in this window for us.